Project Glass - One hell of a mind-blowing experience!

The most favorite part of the show for me. Project Glass! Yaay! It was freakingly, mind-blowingly awesome. Oh my gosh, you'd cry to have one with you when you see what change it can bring to your whole life. You don't need a phone anymore, just glass. Just glass, yeah! It was like, the whole Iron-Man and Sci-Fi stuff was really here, and it is now, thanks to Google. I can't stop thinking about it, yeah, you fellas, who've seen it must've surely liked it.

Google Glasses simply combines your smartphone or a computer, to your spectacle, right infront of your eyes. You can wear them while you're on the go and it's your smartphone and your computer. Imagine, live streams of news infront of your eyes or live chatting with your friends on the go without even taking out your smartphone or any other gadget. That's what google did. After many years of ancticipation, Sergey finally unveiled the Project Glass and was freakingly awesome. And a hell of a show, they gave, pointing out the many capabilities of a small glass. Before I tell you any more, have a look at the video below I got from CNET, a part of the keynote:

Mind-blowing, wasn't it? Live hangout, above 4000ft from earth -- that's the most jaw-dropping stuff I've ever seen. Google made the impossible, near possible through a small but powerful device. That video, simply is enough to prove the usefulness of Google Glass. Google Glass was the jaw-dropping stuff at Google I/O. Even the 5000 attendees never thought Google could do it, but Google proved them all to be wrong in all ways.
Sergey with Google Glasses. And now, he looks more like Tony Srark -- well, almost. :)
I know you're excited about it after reading this and want to learn more and the prices related. Well, for now, Google Glass can only come to consumers by 2014, 2 more years to wait for consumers. But for developers, if you are one among them and if and only if you attended I/O, you can get a developer edition of Google Glass, called the "Explorer" Edition in 2013. And with a price tag of $1500 (nearly Rs. 80,000), and even if you attended the I/O, it's too expensive according to me, but if you are an enthusiastic developer, you should go for it but you can decide what to do. But such a price is not too expensive considering a worthy and powerful gadget like Google Glass. So, that's what's Google Glass is about. I'm so excited and if I could, I would have got my hands around one and I still hope it'd come to my hands some day and I'm curiously looking forward to it.
You're lucky if you had attended the I/O -- You can get your hands on Google Glass a bit early.
